He was always misunderstood and unrecognised, nonetheless a talented mortal, who lost a lot of clashes because of the lack of confidence of his commanders ...
His anger had been growning for years in strength along with the unfaithful mortals legions, who did not understand his decisions and plans. One day his anger reached the temperature of the flowing magma ... The most powerful wizard in his army prepared brew for the bravest warriors. Without hesitation, he reached out for the mixture that sealed his destiny. He became a demon and decided to left his army. Only a few trusted warriors of the North stayed by his side.
However, Chaos Gods look at him differently. When our hero gave his mortality and became a demon - his soul was torn with anger and wrath of the Khorne.
Thus the mortal became the general of the legion dedicated to the ruler of blood, skulls and victory. His name is insignificant, he comes along with those who hide their real name.
I used different bits for making this model :) It was created because I made a bet with my friend that my Tzeentch's hero will stand all magic missiles from sorcerors with 3 Slaanesh Whip' spells.
Well, it did not work as I planned. In the end I lost the bet, which conditions said that if he dies, I would not take this hero on the tournament. As you probably guessted, he was this close to win this challenge, but unfortunately Tzeentch was not on his side that day :(