The Aku banners – Hashut wills it!
Is there someone among our followers who likes Samurai Jack? I bet there is no bigger fan of this cartoon than the person whom these banners belong. Our friend decided to have standards with the image of the vile and daemonic creature from the cartoon – Aku. In fact, he had already adopted this name as his nick.
Adrian, who plays the Chaos Dwarfs army, has found the idea of putting the Aku’s image on the banners as the excellent choice that shows perfectly their patron deity – Hashut, the Good of Fire, Greed and Tyranny.
The commission consisted of painting banners for models who will be holding them. The pattern for each one was the same – they must resemble the image of Aku. The rest was in our disposal. The first thing that came to my mind, when I thought about this commission, was magma. You know - the igneous pieces of cloth that burn slowly with the congealed, black endings. Thus, the idea of burning banners has just naturally popped out. I was really glad that Adrian liked my way of thinking and agreed to it. As soon as, the design has been accepted, I started the project.
I would like to point out that all the models belong to Adrian. He painted them by himself. Our job was to convert their poses that they could carry banners. We also slightly improved the look of the army standard bearer’s sword.
The fun fact is that Shar’tor the Executioner, a malevolent warrior priest of Hashut from Forge World, has a magnetic standard. In the 9th Age, he may or may not be a battle standard bearer, because this is only an additional option for him.
I hope that you like these banners just as the old Chaos Dwarfs’ sayings states: “Like a volcanic eruption in an open-pit mine.” See, the photos in the gallery.