One of my first models on which I've spent a lot of time. He is old and has some good years. Initially painted for a contest with the intention of being auctioned. I have started to paint him when very sad personal matters came up and forced me to stay at home.
Although this is not my latest and top work but I think it has still one of my best and most accurate freehands where I tried to reproduce excellent illustrations of my favourite Blood Dragon Vampire. I managed to get a vampire face at a distance of 1 mm.
Although I'm satisfied with the standard. The Red Duke itself was never considered as a complete painted model. At the beginning I had hated this work. Surely I will never come back to paint him again. Back then it was difficult time for me. Finally, after a few years he has an honorable place and even reminds me about a close person when playing a game or looking at the shelf with models.
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