FallenSun is not just about painting. We are trying to play Warhammer whenever it is possible. Look on our report of my last game on 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle with my friend - Profi from HobbyRealm.
There are photos of rules:
Rulebook 8th: page 410 / page 411
Thorash (FallenSUN):
Daemon Prince of Nurgle
Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
Herald of Tzeentch
Herald of Tzeentch
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (15)
Bloodletters of Khorne (11)
Bloodletters of Khorne (10)
Bloodletters of Khorne (10)
Beasts of Nurgle (5)
Beasts of Nurgle (3)
Beasts of Nurgle (3)
Screamers of Tzeentch (3)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne (5)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne (5)
Skull Cannon of Khorne
| Profi (HobbyRealm)
Gorak Burninghead (gen. Warboss)
Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu
Savage Orc Shaman
Krog 'Eadbutter (bsb Big Boss)
Savage Orcs (36)
Orc Big 'Uns (30)
Night Goblins (20)
Night Goblins (20)
Goblin Wolf Riders (5)
Goblin Wolf Riders (5)
Forest Goblin Spider Riders (10)
Mangler Squig
Mangler Squig
Doom Diver
Doom Diver
River Trolls (8)
Attacker go first!
Daemon Prince of Nurgle from fallensun.pl
Spider Riders failed an Animosity Test
Magic: (5+3)
Fists of Gork - Wurzag successfuly casted on himself
The Hand of Gork - successfully casted on Night Gobbo unit
Beasts of Nurgle took 3 wounds from Doom Divers
Close Combat:
Flesh Hounds, Prince (Nurgle) and Beasts declared Charge! at Savages - Prince Failed :(
Other Flesh Hounds pull out Fanatics from Night Gobbo unit
Mangler Squig were destroyed by Pink Horrors unit
Fanatics was destroyed by Slashing Attack from Screamers of Tzeentch
Magic: (3+2)
Reign of Chaos - Tzeentch brought death upon 9 Big Uns,
Horrors casted a Bolt of Tzeentch onto Mangler (-2W. Reg 6+) +2 Horrors
Scull Cannon targeted Trolls but overshot
Close Combat:
Savages passed Break Test caused by Beasts and Flesh Hounds
River Trolls from HobbyRealm
Wolf Riders failed Animosity Test and charged into Beasts of Nurgle :(
Goblins charged at Flesh Hounds
Mangler took 3W from Beast of Nurgle and sent back 6 Bloodletters to Chaos
Fanatic killed himself before Flesh Hounds
Magic: (4+2)
Hand of Gork flipped one Fanatic
Brain Bursta took 1W from Daemon Prince of Nurgle
Doom Divers killed Daemon Prince of Nurgle and Herald of Tzeentch on disc
Close Combat:
Big Combat: Flesh Hounds -3W, Gobbo -1W, Beasts -3W, Orc Shaman -1W, Beasts passed Instability but
Flesh Hounds ran away to Khorne... :(
Beasts of Nurgle vs Wolf Riders: WTF 2 Gobbo survived and passed Break Test :)
Beasts of Nurgle declared Charge at BigUn's with Orcs General and rolled dices (1,1,1)
Flesh Hounds Charge at Night Gobbo and dealt 4 Wounds
Screamers made unsuccesful Slashing Attack at Wolf Riders
Breave!? Sad Pink Horrors stepped at Mangler Squig and Tzeentch helped him survive
Magic: (5+5)
Daemons channeled +1 and sent 8 BigUns to hell via Infernal Gate Way and 1 Pink Horror came from hell :)
Skull Cannon overshoot and took 1W from Trolls
Close Combat:
Beasts lost combat with Savages but did not take hits from Instability Test
Herald of Tzeentch from fallensun.pl
Night Goblins in forest failed Animosity and charge at Beasts
One Fanatic ended his life in forest :(
Magic: (6+1)
Nothing happened
Doom Divers targeted the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh and took 1W
Close Combat:
Night Gobbo won combat against two Flesh Hounds
Beasts of Nurgle consumed Night Goblins unit but small green creatures fought hard even in forest
Screamers charged at Doom Diver
Prince of Slaanesh with Beasts charged at Orc Big'Uns
Magic: (5+5) LOL :P
Firestorm of Tzeentch killed 2W from Savages unit
Sneaky Shamans dispelled Infernal Gate Way
Skull Cannon take 3W and killed one Troll
Close Combat:
Unit with Orc General was unlucky :( failed break test from Prince of Slaanesh and Beasts of Nurgle charge, fled and was destroyed.
BreaveSmallGreens! Night Gobbo won with Beasts of Nurgle in forest but nothing happned (maybe Beasts of Nurgle was just sleeping?)
Whirling crazy Fanatics from HobbyRealm
New backup unit of Orcs from reinforcement (scenerio rules)
Trolls did not pass Stupidity :( (sadly without general) and luckily few inches before Pink Horrors
Magic: (2+2)
Nothing happned
Close Combat:
Goblins caused reform on Beasts of Nurgle :) and dealt 2W!
Screamers charged at second Doom Diver
Magic: (5+3)
Trolls suffer 2W from Bluefire (it was stupid but they unlucky failed Warpflame)
Skull Cannon missfired second roll and did not touch Trolls
Close Combat:
Screamers destroyed Doom Diver
Living Gardens of Chaos - Beasts of Nurgle from
Trolls does not move without their master :(
Orc failed charge
Wolf Riders failed Animosity Test
Thorash did huge mistake. Backup units arrived with full options...
so new Night Goblins threw fanatics at Prince of Slaanesh - he was very lucky...
Magic: (5+3)
Close Combat:
Night Goblins failed Break Test in combat with Beasts
Wolf Goblins fled from Bloodletters Charge!
Daemon Prince Slaa, Beasts and Skull Cannon charged at Savages
Magic: (6+1)
Close Combat:
Savage was defeated in fight but passed Break test
Charging Horde of Gorak Burninghead! HobbyRealm
Troll ate rock.. Wolf Goblins failed Animosity Test
Night Goblins charged at Beasts of Nurgle
Orcs failed Charge! into Bloodletters
Close Combat:
Battle Standard Bearer was broken by Killing Blow from Skull Cannon's Bloodletter Crew, he fled but was annihilated
Night Goblins fled from Beasts of Nurgle and they pursuited into Forests Goblins
Daemon Prince declared Charge at Wolf Riders and successfully caused Panic Test from Terror.
Magic: (6+1) Channels +1 OnG / +1 DoC
Skull Cannon misfired and went back to Khorne Dimension...
Close Combat:
Beasts of Nurgle smashed Spiders and overran forward at Orcs!
Bloodletters of Khorne from fallensun.pl
Reinforcements have arrived...
Trolls still ate rock
Wolfs fled from table
Close Combat:
Orcs dealt one W at Beasts of Nurgle
Magic: (4+1)
Close Combat:
Orcs won combat with Beasts but they passed Instability
Sneaky Wolf Riders from HobbyRealm
Last tactical manoeuvres, Beasts of Nurgle with Orcs stayed in CC, both players tried to use all the best remaining movements.
Thorash Win game (3 markers + 2 quarters ) Profi take ( 2 quarters )
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