Chaos Wastes Battle Party
Hello :) after long break we decide to rally and play some battles... and this is crazy (so call me maybe) but I was focused on paint models 2 days before and play when we meet again :) 72 hours with hobby but only (~7h of sleep) :P
Six people with full painted stuff :)
Amarell (Bretonnia)
Andrzej (Chaos Dwarfs)
Profi (Orcs and Goblins)
Dargan (Beasts of Chaos)
YoungOlo (Vampire Counts)
Thorash (Daemonic Legion of Destruction!)
Battles that I fought with my refreshed Daemons of Chaos:
Battleline: (1k) DoC vs OnG
Triumph and Treachery (1k) DoC vs VC vs ChD
Triumph and Treachery (1k) DoC vs BoC vs ChD
Battleline: (ETC) DoC vs OnG
Battleline: (1k) DoC vs VC
Sorry for quality of photos I was focus on game and fun not specifically on making photos...
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