We always wanted to participate in Hussar but every time unexpected problems thwarted our plans - but not this year! At last we were there and shown our work.
Sadly Thorash hasn't enough skills and his techniques aren't at high level to surpass works of his rivals in Large Fantasy Model category. Despite this he's very proud of fact that he placed his work next to masterpieces of his authorities like Ania Machowska and gained new experience of taking part in such big event :)
This was great two days with great after party in Luka Workshop!
Especially, the greatest thanks <3 for Sprężyna and YoungOlo for taking care of us in unkown city (we are from forest :P and we treat all big cities as labyrinth) - most of all for place to sleep, delicious food and your precious time which you spent with us. This adventure won't exist without your support and help - THANKS A LOT!
In few days we will show Thorash work titled: "Four seasons of Vivaldi variations of fallen sun"
This model is sculpted by MINIATURE CREATURE studio.
If you want to know the winners of each category and good resolution of photos check the Hussar website.
Yes! We found one photo of Thorash :D thx Zetcraft :)
Below photos from Hussar Event:
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