The story conncected with this model is long, so to cut a long story short, I have always dreamed of making my own version of the Exalted Champion of Tzeentch. In our wargaming family, we play epic battles which consist of unique models or converted miniatures. We have more fun that way <3
Long time ago, Amy and me had been playing two armies which were natural enemies - Bretonnia and Beasts of Chaos. Thanks to that, our friends started to call us "Beauty and the Beast"...
The times have changed and now, my beast's soul started to like Tzeentch more. Of course, my heart will always belongs to beautiful Bretonnian lady Amarell - you can see my sign of devotion on the cloak: "Far North for Amarell".
The daemonic disc, blue flame and the cloak, are fully my own imagination. For the human model, I have chosen a warrior of chaos from the 5th edition. As you can see, he has converted hand so that he can hold a magical item called The Golden Eye of Tzeentch.
It is a the Fallensun tradition that my standard work must include a freehand, and to make it even more nostalgic and romantic, I chose the first picture which convinced me to start my adventure with the Warhammer Old World. I was inspired by the masterpiece of Ian Miller - "Death on the Reik". It was the first edition polish rulebook's cover of Warhammer Fantasy Role Play. The Tzeentch's Beasts fit the story perfectly.
The model has 100% full wysiwyg, and is fully compatible with the roster for the upcoming big event named: "Rada Par Parada - the Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th edition duo tournament" in Konstancin, Poland. Excatly right there, my model will have its premiere as the fellow ally of Bretonnia in rather unexpected combination of good and evil. Stay in touch! We will post the detailed battle raport from this event.
Exalted Champion of Tzeentch |
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